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Sunday New Moon Guided Sound Meditation

A restorative and relaxing guided meditation using sound tapping into the energies of the cosmos

1 h
12 British pounds
Pyrford Road

Service Description

Join us for a relaxing meditation to help you sleep, restore and rejuvenate. The perfect way to bring your week to a close and relax into the weekend or begin the forthcoming week with fresh energy.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

We believe in having a clear, simple to understand cancellation policy to help avoid confusion and form clear boundaries. Below we have listed out our cancellation policies for when you book yoga/meditation/breathwork classes, private sessions, any courses, workshops and retreats. Cancellation of a Class We understand that plans change and you may need to cancel a class. This is no problem at all and we ask for 8 HOURS minimum notice period should you need to do this. Please contact us on 07792 479001 or to let us know that you wish to cancel. In this situation your class credit will be put back onto your account. Late cancellations and no-shows are non-refundable. If less than 8 hours notice is given then the space becomes non-refundable even if there are still spaces available in that class. The class spot is also non-transferrable onto a different class. Should you not be able to cancel yourself off for whatever reason, please ask someone to telephone 07792 479001 on your behalf with 8 hours notice, to make us aware that you are unable to attend. If we do not answer then please leave a voicemail and we will accept this as notification of your cancellation. Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc) is not accepted as a suitable form of communication to cancel a class. Cancellation of a Course or Workshop The rules are very similar to above however the cancellation period is different. For courses or workshops held by Sacred Space or Mind Body Element, we ask for 3 DAYS (72 HOURS) minimum notice period should you need to cancel. The 72 hours will be calculated using the scheduled start time of the workshop to work back from. Please contact us on 07792 479001 or email to advise us you wish to cancel your course or workshop. If less than 72 hours notice is given then we will still charge you for the course or workshop even if there are still spaces available in that course or workshop. If you haven’t already paid and a card is stored on your account, a charge will be taken from your card. If no card is registered to your account then we will contact you to ask for payment. Should you not be able to cancel yourself off for whatever reason, please ask someone to telephone 07792 479001 on your behalf, with more than 72 hours notice to make us aware that you are unable to attend. If we do not answer then please leave a voicemail and we will accept this as notification of your cancellation. An email is also a suitable form of communication to cancel a class. Please email Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc) is not accepted as a suitable form of communication to cancel a course or workshop. Cancellation of a Private Session For private 121 sessions we operate a 24hr cancellation policy. If less than 24 hrs notice is given then we will charge you 50% of the agreed price for that session. Cancellation of a Retreat Please note that each retreat we run is unique and as such will have different cancellation policies. We will make these clear on the descriptions of the retreats before you make a purchase. Cancellation of a Class, Course or Retreat by Sacred Space or Mind Body Element On occasion there is the necessity to cancel a class, course, private lesson, workshop or retreat. This could be caused through a number of unavoidable circumstances such as teacher ill health, adverse weather conditions etc. Should we ever cancel on you, we will refund you in full to the value of what you paid for the class, course, private lesson, workshop or retreat.

Contact Details

  • Twisted Stone Golf Club, Pyrford Road, Pyrford, Woking, UK

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